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Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru chapter 2 : Rin's in the know (PC VERSION)

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Listen to the first single "Manonight" especially composed for the serie Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru.

  • Album Title : "Manonight"
  • song-writer and musician : Yves Brard (alias Manolito)

Click on the icon on the left bottom to launch full screen.

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As a drawer having French origins,
Capo is made from a mold
we wouldn't be able to identify.
Raised from childhood by comic strips
in general, but most particularly
by manga, his skills drew into his
passion for styles and cultures
from all over the world.
He's actually studying at Inalco
University in Paris,
and willing to go back to Osaka.

Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru
tells the story of two thieves
wandering in a world allying
reality and fiction.
Bathing in this weird world
populated by humans but also
other creatures, their adventures
full of bounces and craziness
will fatally lead them to
one of a most strange destiny...

The encounter with the
Monkey King will awake
their true identity and goal
as partners!
Jiajia is a young Thai talent
actually studying Art in
a Bangkok University. Calm and reserved,
nevertheless a lightning potential
lies hidden in this young artist,
passionate by manga
and drawing in general,
she'll make you discover
an original environment
and atmosphere, suited to
her alliance with Capo.

  • TOME 1

    Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 1 : Undiscreet thieves

    LMDR Tome 1 : Des voleurs peu discretsRead from right to left, and top to bottom !

  • TOME 2

    Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 2 : Mystic weapon

    LMDR Tome 2 : Mystic WeaponRead from right to left, and top to bottom !