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Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru

Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru conta a história de dois ladrões vagueando num mundo estranho, entre a realidade e a ficção, com humanos mas também outras criaturas. As suas aventuras cheias de surpresas e loucura leválos ão fatalmente na direcção de um destino dos mais insólitos...

 Ryôneru TetsujinUkyô Sarutomo

tip about readingAtenção ! Sentido de leitura original Japonês.
Ler da direita para a esquerda, e de cima para baixo.

Read from right to left, and top to bottom !way of reading on tablet/e-readersway of reading on tablet/e-readers


  • PC

    A digital version called "parallel-plane"What does it mean ?,... which means that it is the same as the original paper book. A digital format using double pages just like a real open book. The ideal format for big screens. Leitura em Português

    • TOME 1

      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 1 : Ladrões pouco discretos

      LMDR Tome 1 : Des voleurs peu discretsRead from right to left, and top to bottom !

    • TOME 2

      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 2 : Mystic weapon

      LMDR Tome 2 : Mystic WeaponRead from right to left, and top to bottom !



      A digital version page per after pageSimple and smooth, this format is the most adapted for this kind of screen.Leitura em Português

    • TOME 1

      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 1 : Ladrões pouco discretos

      LMDR Tome 1 : Des voleurs peu discretsway of reading on tablet/e-readers

    • TOME 2


      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 2 : Mystic weapon

      LMDR Tome 2 : Mystic Weaponway of reading on tablet/e-readers


    A digital version for mobile using a panel per panel reading.No zoom neededCustomization and enlargement of the bubbles and text,logical conceptfor a smooth reading on small screens. I love my cellphone! Leitura em Português

    • TOME 1

      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 1 : Ladrões pouco discretos

      LMDR Tome 1 : Des voleurs peu discretsway of reading on tablet/e-readers

    • TOME 2


      Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru TOME 2 : Mystic weapon

      LMDR Tome 2 : Mystic Weaponway of reading on tablet/e-readers