Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru
Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru 2人の泥棒が虚構と現実の世界を放浪するというストーリーです。不思議な世界で起こる人間模様と彼らの狂喜に導く新しい展開満載の変事...
マンガの読み方(右から左へ、上から下へ)で読んでください。(にほんしきの まんがの よみかたで よんで ください。)
Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru 第1章 : 大胆な泥棒達 (MOBILE VERSION)
Read the mobile version of this chapter!
Lost Monkey Dorobô Ryôneru 第1章 : 大胆な泥棒達 (TABLET VERSION)
Read the tablet version of this chapter!
A digital version called "parallel-plane", which means that it is the same as the original paper book. A digital format using double pages just like a real open book. The ideal format for big screens.
A digital version page per page.Simple and smooth, this format is the most adapted for this kind of screen.
A digital version for mobile using a panel per panel reading.Customization and enlargement of the bubbles and text,for a smooth reading on small screens.