legal informations
Legal references
The website is edited by the NAKARMAZ (trademark)
- Website host : 1&1 Internet AG, Brauerstr. 48, 76135 Karlsruhe, GERMANY
For any enquiries about NAKARMAZ, you can contact us through this email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Privacy policy
1. Purpose
NAKARMAZ® protects the privacy of its users by complying with legislation. Thus, NAKARMAZ® collects and processes your personal Data with the French Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (receipt No. 1526440). This chart illustrates the commitment of NAKARMAZ® with regard to respect of your privacy and protection of your personal Data collected and processed in connection with your use of our site under the conditions specified in the Terms of Use. In addition, we may update our charter to monitor our service and your rights. Any updates will be posted prominently on this page.
2. Data
As Data, NAKARMAZ® means any information about you that you voluntarily provide when opening an account on our site (Account) or that will be collected through your use of our website. The Data therefore includes both the Registration Data and Usage Data as set out below:
- Registration Data you provide when you register on our website via the Registration Form is your username, full name, gender, date of birth, hometown and a valid email address. The Data entered is not public. However, you may decide to publish some of this Data via your Settings and that is under your responsibility. As a contributor to our site, it is also your responsibility to ensure that your personally identifiable Data is accurate and complete.
- Usage Data is collected automatically when you connect to our website. This Data alone does not provide us with your identification. It is also possible that we store anonymous information about your use of our website via an automatic tracking, called Cookie. In any event, it is therefore anonymous and aggregated Data.
3. Purpose of processing
Data are processed only in the context of the purposes set out below and more generally to comply with the legislation in force relating to Internet technology providers.
Purpose of Registration Data processing:
- This Data is needed to create and manage your Account and make you enjoy the features of our site and especially for the online storage and sharing literary works and to comment on and rate literary works;
- We do not use your email address or any other information that personally identifies you without your consent, except as part of a program or a specific function that you can activate or block. We can, however, use your email address in a non-commercial purpose (for example, sending a newsletter) and you have the option of discontinuing with the newsletter.
Purpose of Usage Data processing:
- These Data allows us to perform statistics on the consultation pages on our site (for example, analyze the traffic generated on our site);
- This information can be used to optimize operations and improve the quality of our site and the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns or advertising.
4. Data recipient
Your Data is only meant for NAKARMAZ®. Your Data is not subject to any disclosure to third parties. You are, however, informed that it may be disclosed under any law, regulation or pursuant to a decision by a regulatory authority or judicial authority.
5. Data security
NAKARMAZ® attaches great importance to the security of your Data and implements all appropriate measures to limit the risks of loss, damage or misuse thereof. We ask you to create a password when opening an Account, which helps protect your Account against any unauthorized access. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and its use.
6. Data retention
Data is stored on NAKARMAZ® servers and is kept for longer than strictly necessary for the use of your Account. However, you are advised that in case of deactivation of your Account for any reason whatsoever, the Data and the Content associated with it (ex : description, comments,...), will be retained for a period of one year from the disabling of your Account. Beyond this duration, Data and Content will be removed from our servers and your username will again be made available for users who wish to register on our site.
7. Your rights
NAKARMAZ® informs you that you have a right to access, correct or delete your Data under existing regulations. You can always access and edit the online information associated with your profile on the Settings from your Account. You can also exercise your request for access, modify or delete your Data by sending a request via the contact form or by email at the following address, enclosing proof of identity: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Terms of use
A version of those terms of use is available in French.
Last Update on
27th of April 2021
The NAKARMAZ® services available at the address, are edited by NAKARMAZ® (registered trademark) and hosted by the 1&1 Internet AG company, Baeurstr.48, 76153 Karlsruhe, in GERMANY.
- an on-line publishing platform of literary, graphical and musical works;
- a distribution platform on-line under licences known as "Traditional" and under NC* "Creative Commons" licence;
- a distance selling platform of literary, graphical and musical works;
- a distance selling platform for by-products (goodies, T-shirts...);
- A representation and commercial distribution platform for professional partners in the fields of communication, design, printing and 3D (three dimensional) works;
NAKARMAZ® presents itself under an original platform under "traditional" licence and "Creative Commons" licence (CC hereafter), is not to provide where AUTHORS, who are selected by NAKARMAZ®, adherents to these TERMS, can exercice their copyright while authorizing certain uses of their WORK, so their creations are shared while being reserved for certain defined rights to choose.
A right issued by the NC type of Creative Commons licence can be used on works to be shared :
- NC : Means authorizing the on-line sharing while forbidding any commercial use, and any financial exploitation of the WORK. This licence, as a result, allows the secure and legal distribution of a work on the website, while aiming for ulterior process to become a "traditional" licence if the arrangement conditions are reached and agreed by both parties.
Please read carefully the present TERMS OF USE : by using NAKARMAZ® and by becoming member of NAKARMAZ®, you commit yourself to respect them. NAKARMAZ® can modify at any time those terms. Any modification will be updated and visible at the beginning of this page.
Article 1. definitions
- WORK : means strip, story-board, drawing boards, pages, graphisms, scenario, illustrated texts, photographs, videos, video games, collages, montages, plastic art representation or in 3D, titles, lyrics and musical arrangements, and every support created by the AUTHOR whether he decides to share, with the consent of NAKARMAZ®, on the present website under the NC Creative Commons licence type determining the terms of use for the WORK.
- AUTHOR : means the owner or agent of the copyright and/or neighbouring rights on the WORKS.
- MEMBER : means the AUTHOR and more generally, a or all the USERS, whose inscription to the Services offered has been validated and confirmed by NAKARMAZ®.
- TERMS OF USE : means the present conditions accepted by the AUTHOR and the MEMBER while registering, including any future modification.
- ILLEGAL CONTENT : content of any kind (text, voice, image, graphic, emblem, flag, photograph...) which is likely to affect any rights of a third party
(including individuals, legal persons, groups or community…) under the applicable law. Content will be also considered Illegal Content if it infringes on human rights and human dignity, rights of literary property, and any material that could constitute libel, a crime of incitement to racial hatred, an apologia for war crimes, crimes against persons, property, and the nation, defined and punished by the provisions of Books II, III and IV of the Penal Code and Articles L.335-1 and following, L.521-9 et seq, L.615-12 et seq, L.716-9 and following of the ICC. - NAKARMAZ® : means a set of Services offered free of charges to MEMBERS and available on the website
- FREE DISTRIBUTION LICENCE : means the Creative Commons licence, described on the site: and approved by Creative Commons, and recalled in the preamble. - USER : means any person using NAKARMAZ® Services.
- MY PROFILE : means the member's personal web page containing extensive information concerning the MEMBER which can be completed progressively.
- SERVICES : means all the Services available to NAKARMAZ® USERS.
Article 2. Registration
2.1 Terms
A person who wants to access and use the services NAKARMAZ® offers, can register and being identified as MEMBER.
By ticking the box <Terms Of Use>, you recognize being informed of the content of these TERMS and commit yourself to abide with them.
In order to be properly registered to NAKARMAZ®, you have to fill in all fields requested in the registration form. This registration gives you access to your profile and all the NAKARMAZ® Services.
2.2 Use of the identifier and the password
This ID and password are srictly private and must not under any circumstance be shared or disclosed to third parties. This ID and password allow you to access the services offered by NAKARMAZ® as well as your personal profile. The identification elements are the responsibility of each MEMBER who will use them in accordance with these TERMS OF USE . Each member warrants NAKARMAZ® against any wrongful use and/or source of harm to their items of identification, whatever fraudulent or not, from his part or the one of others. NAKARMAZ® states it has not the obligation nor the technical skills to check the people's identity registering for its services . NAKARMAZ® should not be held as responsible in case of impersonation of identification elements and/or one of its member's identity. Moreover, the MEMBER commits himself no to create or use other accounts rather than the one initially created and assigned whether for his own identity or a third party . If a MEMBER becomes aware or suspects a fraudulent use, he shall promptly notify NAKARMAZ® by email to : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Article 3. Use of the services
NAKARMAZ® provides access to several Services, while some can be reserved to MEMBERS only :
- On-line reading of WORKS ;
- Consultation of NAKARMAZ® MEMBERS profiles ;
- meeting with other NAKARMAZ® MEMBERS ;
- discussions on the forums ;
- ability to give your opinion about the WORKS ;
- possibility to become a partner thanks to our affiliation program, to obtain purchase vouchers to be used on the website, etc.
3.1 Technical information
The works are available on-line under three distinct formats :
- A format dedicated to PC/mac/laptops [wide screens] under the form of a "parallel-plane" book using double-spread page, readable using the Flash Player software distributed by Adobe Incorporated and which can be downloaded for free at the address
- A format dedicated to tablets/e-readers [medium screens] under the form of a "page per page" readable book which does not necessarily require the Flash Player software, giving this format the interoperability on all devices of this kind, existing already as well as the ones to come in the future.
- A format dedicated to old generation cellphones (WAP, i-mode) and new generation ones (smartphones) [small screens] under the form of a "panel per panel" readable book which also does not necessarily require the Flash Player software, giving this format the interoperability on all devices of this kind, existing already as well as the ones to come in the future.
NAKARMAZ® cannot guarantee that the website will still operate continuously and without error, or that the access to the Services will be guaranteed, more particularly in the following cases :
- misuse of the website due to inappropriate equipment ;
- failures caused by your ISP ;
- Internet jamming.
NAKARMAZ® may temporarily suspend the operation of the Services in order to improve them or to realize maintenance operations. If the situation allows, then NAKARMAZ® will do its best in order to inform you.
3.2 User's obligations
NAKARMAZ® is a distribution service of literary works, which offers you various Services including discussion forums. In order to use the NAKARMAZ® services, you have to accept the terms of use.
You cannot NAKARMAZ® services if you don't accept the Terms of use. You accept the Terms of use : Either when you register by ticking the < Terms Of Use >, you recognize being informed of the content of these TERMS and commit yourself to abide with them; or by using the NAKARMAZ® services.
3.2.1 Use of the Works
Each WORK is available for the USERS under a "traditional" licence or NC Creative Commons type.
You commit yourself to abide with the the terms of these licences and more generally not to infringe to the intellectual property rights of the Authors. If a WORK seems to be an imitation or an obvious forgery of another work, being disposed by NAKARMAZ® or not, you engage yourself to warn NAKARMAZ® by mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3.2.2 Use of discussion forums
Generally speaking, you engage yourself to post moderate remarks and to behave in a loyal manner towards NAKARMAZ®, its partners, and all MEMBERS. You also engage yourself to respect the intellectual property rights of the WORKS and the content on the NAKARMAZ® website that you have access during the use of the Services. You accept that text, information, data, hypertext link, music, sound, photography, draw, video, message, tag or any other material transmitted in your Profile and/or during your exchanges on the forums or messaging are sent to other Members under your own responsibility.
On the forums and internal messaging Services of NAKARMAZ®, all subjects can be freely opened and discussed but the all exchanges are moderated. You engage yourself to have a moderate and respectful and more particularly :
- not to post, say, mime, give or distribute in any form whatsoever, information that may affect, directly or indirectly, to any third party (physical person, legal person or group of persons) ;
- not to issue, circulate or forward any speech, words and/or any content which is libellous, abusive, obscene, indecent, offensive, violent or inciting any form of violence (physical, verbal or mental), political, racist, sexist, homophobic or xenophobic and generally contrary to the laws ;
- not to disseminate information and/or content of any kind concerning a personal Member or any third party without his/her express consent ;
- not to post, transmit or relay any content either partially or fully, alone or in combination integrated with other content, in violation of intellectual property rights of their respective authors and/or legal beneficiaries and personality rights of any third party ;
- not to post, transmit or relay information or content, nor the use of technologies that reduce, disrupt, reduce and/or prevent the normal flow of Services such as software, virus, repeated messages sending, etc.
You agree to notify NAKARMAZ® of the presence of any comment, message, content and/or hypertext link that does not correspond to the above requirements by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You have a right to access, modify, correct and delete data concerning you. You can at any time request that your contributions to the forum are deleted by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
3.3 Links and content
The content available to you may include hypertext links to other websites than the website NAKARMAZ® or to other Internet sources. NAKARMAZ® can not control all of these websites and therefore can not be held responsible as to the nature and/or use of the contents of these websites. If you wish to use the contents of these websites, you should be aware of their terms of use.
Article 4. Intellectual Property
NAKARMAZ®, with the exception of items relating to intellectual property of the WORKS, is the sole owner of the intellectual property rights relating to trademarks, patents, software, logos, graphics, animations and photographs contained on the website. They may not be reproduced without the express permission of NAKARMAZ® and/or its partners.
NAKARMAZ® grants you a license to use, strictly limited to accessing, downloading, printing, and reproduction on all media, and for your own private and personal use, within and during the term of your registration for the Services.
Article 5. Responsibility
In case of breach of any obligations hereunder, NAKARMAZ® may close your account without warning and block access to your profile. NAKARMAZ® may also initiate legal action against you. In case of a claim, suit or proceeding because of the actions of MEMBERS offending directly or indirectly to these Terms Of Use, NAKARMAZ® may turn against the MEMBER who is at the origin. You are informed and are agreeing that the information and content that you post will be available to other MEMBERS who may use under these Terms Of Use.
If you feel that the information and/or content have been disseminated in a manner inconsistent with the Terms and Conditions, you cannot blame NAKARMAZ® not to have committed prosecution against the MEMBER and/or any person who would be at the origin of it.
Article 6. Provisions related to AUTHORS
By adhering to these Terms, and through acceptance by NAKARMAZ® and the AUTHOR for a temporary use of the work licensed under a Creative Commons NC type, AUTHOR declares to freely share his/her WORK on the website and agrees to accept the following publication terms of his/her WORK:
6.1 Adding or removing boards
The AUTHOR has the ability to add or remove boards or any other part of his/her WORK when it sees fit insofar as it aims to improve the publication of his/her WORK, and by previously warning NAKARMAZ® of the reasons for the changes.
6.2 Comments and notation of the WORK by USERS
The AUTHOR is aware and agrees that by revealing his/her WORK, and putting it on the website, he/she is, because of the notoriety that is aimed for, inviting the USERS to give their opinion about the WORK, to leave a comment and possibly a rating. This note (global note, scenario note, drawing note, colour note, etc.) is freely given by the USERS forming in their community the role of a Reading Committee fully independent, and responsible.
Thus, in no case shall the responsibility of NAKARMAZ® be sought by the AUTHOR or by anyone in case of dispute on the comments of USERS and their free notation. However, the AUTHOR remains free to report any abuse that NAKARMAZ® so that NAKARMAZ® makes every effort within the means at its disposal to stop the disorder if it is proved. The trouble will be deemed to exist if it falls to be Illegal content listed herein.
6.3 Transition to a "payable" licence type
The AUTHOR is aware that NAKARMAZ® is having meetings to decide on the transition of publishing WORKS from a Creative Commons NC type licence to a "payable" licence for digital publishing.
Also, the AUTHOR is informed that he has the possibility of contracting with preferential treatment with NAKARMAZ® as the distributor, for the publication of his/her digital WORK.
The contract to be signed then will comply with the provisions of Articles L.132-1 and following of ICC and will provide in exchange of royalties a copyright use for the entire world and for the duration of the literary and artistic property of the AUTHOR.
Article 7. Various
These terms of use are governed by French law. French courts alone shall have jurisdiction to hear the interpretation and enforcement of these terms.
Online sales Terms and Conditions
The present sale Terms and conditions are concluded on one hand, by NAKARMAZ, hereinafter referred as « NAKARMAZ » and on the other hand, by any physical or corporate person, willing to purchase via the NAKARMAZ's Intenet site, hereinafter referred as « the purchaser ».
1/ Purpose
1.1/ The present Terms and Conditions of sale aim at defining the contractual relationships between NAKARMAZ and the purchaser and the conditions which will apply to every purchase by means of the NAKARMAZ's commercial site, whether the purchaser is a professional or a consumer.
1.2/ The purchase of a product or a service by the means of the present site, involves an uncritical acceptance by the purchaser of the present Terms and Conditions of sale.
1.3/ The present Terms and Conditions of sale will prevail over any other general or particular conditions not explicitly accepted by NAKARMAZ.
1.4/ NAKARMAZ reserves the right to modify its Terms and Conditions at any time. In this instance, the conditions which will apply will be those in force when the purchaser placed his order.
2./ Characteristics of the goods and services offered.
2.1/ The products and services offered are those which appear in the catalogue published in the NAKARMAZ's site.
2.2/ These products and services are offered subject to availability.
2.3/ Each product comes along with a description established by the supplier, the purchaser can have access to the supplier's documentation.
2.4/ The catalogue's photographs are as exact as possible, but can't ensure a perfect similitude with the product offered, in particular concerning colors.
3/ Prices
3.1/ The prices appearing in the catalogue are price with all taxes included, taking into account the VAT which is applied on the day of order; any change in the rate might be passed on the products' or services' price.
3.2/ NAKARMAZ reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, nevertheless, the price appearing in the catalogue on the day of the order, will be the only one applied to the purchaser.
3.3/ The recommended prices do not include neither the orders' processing fees, the shipping taxes, or the delivery taxes.
3.4/ The orders' processing fees, shipping taxes and delivery taxes are calculated by price range (see the table below), excluding the special promotion offers which in this case will appear detailed during the order process.
- For a delivery in mainland France:
Cost Price Range
2,50€ from 0,01€ to 9,99€
5€ from 10,00€ to 49,99€
free beyond 50,00€
- For an international delivery:
Cost Price Range
5,00€ from 0,01€ to 9,99€
10€ from 10,00€ to 69,99€
free beyond 70€
- For deliveries concerning Mr. Suchart's Portraits (shipment from Thailand)
for Asia: 2,50€
for Europe, Africa and America: 6,00€
4/ Geographical area
The online sale of products and services offered on the site is dedicated to any person who has a Paypal account, or a Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard...)
5/ Orders
5.1/ The purchaser, who wants to buy a product or a service necessarly has:
- to fill in the identification form with his name and address or to give his customer number, if he has one;
- to fill the order form online by giving all the products or services choosen;
- to validate his order after checking it;
- to make the payment in the foreseen terms;
- to confirm his order and payment.
5.2/ The order's confirmation involves acceptation of the present Terms and Conditions by the purchaser, who recognizes having a perfect aknolewdgement of them and renounces to prevail himself from his own purchase conditions or other conditions.
5.3/ All the data given and the registered confirmation will act as proofs of transaction. The confirmation will act as signature and acceptance of the operations which have been done.
5.4/ The seller will communicate by means of an e-mail confirmation of the registered order.6/ Withdrawal
6.1/ The purchasers, non professional physical persons, benefit from a seven days period of withdrawal from the delivery of their order to return the product to the seller for substitution or refund without penalty, with the exception of return fees.
7/ Payment methods
7.1/ The price is due to payment made-to-order.
7.2/ The payments will be made by credit card; they will be made by means of the BNP PARIBAS's Mercanet API and/or Paypal systems which use the SSL Protocol (Secure Socket Layer) so that the information transmitted is encrypted by a software and that no third party will take cognizance of it during the transfer on the network.
7.3/ The purchaser's account will only be debited when the products or services will be sent and only for the amount of products or services sent or downloaded.
7.4/ On purchaser's request, a paper bill will be sent to him with the VAT inluded.
8/ Deliveries
8.1/ The deliveries are made to the address given in the order form. It can't be elsewhere than in the given geographical area.
8.2/ The purchaser assumes the risks from the moment when the products have left the NAKARMAZ offices. In case of damage during the shipment, the justifiable protest shall be made to the carrier within three days from the delivery date.
8.3/ The delivery times are given for information purpose only; if they excess thirty days from the date of order, the sale contract might be canceled and the purchaser refunded.
9/ Warranty
9.1/ All the products provided by the seller benefit from the legal warranty prescribed by the article 1641 and following of the Civil Code.
9.2/ In case of non-conformity in a product, it might be sent back to the seller, who will take it back, exchange or refund it.
9.3/ Any claims, exchange or refund request shall be made by post at the following address : 1 mail Gay Lussac 95000 Neuville sur Oise (France) ou by mail at : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within a thirty days period from the delivery date.
10/ Liability
10.1/ The products offered are in keeping with the French legislation in effect. NAKARAMAZ should not be held as responsible in case of non-respect of the country's legislation in which the product is delivered (for example, if a title is forbidden). It's up to the purchaser to check with the local authorities how you can import or use the products or services you would like to order.
10.2/ The seller, in the process of online sale, is only liable for the means; he may not held as responsible in case of damage caused by the use of the Internet such as loss of data, intrusion, virus, service failure, or other unintended problems.
11/ Intellectual property
11.1/ All the elements of the NAKARMAZ's site are and remain NAKARMAZ's intellectual and exclusive property.
11.2/ Nobody is allowed to reproduce, exploit, repeat, or use in any capacity whatsoever, even partially, elements from the site, whether it's software, visual or sound.
11.3/ Any simple or hypertext link is stricly forbidden without an express written consent from NAKARMAZ.
12/ Archives - Proof
12.1/ NAKARMAZ will fill in the order forms and bills on a liable and durable support, which will constitute a true copy in conformation with the dispositions of article 1348 of the Civil Code.
12.2/ The NAKARMAZ's registers will be considered by both parties as a proof of the communications, orders, payments and transactions which had taken place between themselves.
13/ Disputes settlement
13.1/ The present Terms and Conditions are subject to the French law.
13.2/ The present contract is written in French. The English translation is considered to be a supplementary information only.
13.3/ in case of dispute, the Paris courts have competence, without regards to the multiplicity of defenders or claim for contribution from a third party.
14/ After-Sales Service
14.1/ For any information or question we remain at your disposal :
- Contact us by mail at the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on the NAKARMAZ's site.